Frequently Asked Questions About Gangaram Murugan Temple
What are the opening hours of the temple?
The Gangaram Murugan Temple is open daily from 5:00 AM to 9:00 PM. Devotees can visit the temple during these hours to offer prayers and seek the blessings of Lord Murugan.
What is the significance of the Gangaram Murugan Temple?
The Gangaram Murugan Temple is a renowned Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Murugan, the beloved son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. This temple is a hub of spiritual and cultural activity, where devotees come to seek the blessings of the divine and participate in various religious ceremonies and festivals.
How can I plan a visit to the Gangaram Murugan Temple?
To plan your visit to the Gangaram Murugan Temple, we recommend reaching out to the temple authorities at 7777777777 to inquire about the current schedule of puja (worship) timings, events, and other important information. The temple is located at 77 triangle drive and can be easily accessed by public transportation or personal vehicles.